UnitTestBot Java/Kotlin
UnitTestBot C/C++

Plugin description

UI overview

Main UI elements of the plugin are:

  • Status bar icons, they show connection status and verbose mode option
  • UTBot consoles, a window to show logs from server (GTest log, Server log) and plugin (Client log)
  • UTBot targets, a window to show targets found by server in current project
  • UTBot Source Directories, a view to show source directories marked green


Tests generation

You can trigger tests generation in multiple ways:

  • From editor context menu. For example, right click in editor and choose UTBot Generate Tests... for File

  • From project view context menu. For example, right click on file in project view and choose: UTBot: Generate Tests For Folder

  • From search window. Open search window by pressing Shift twice. Then search for a particular action, for instance UTBot: Generate For project


Running tests with coverage

Run a single test

How-to steps:

  1. Open file with generated tests
  2. Click on the icon located near the test


Run all tests in a file

How-to steps:

  1. Open file with generated tests
  2. Click on the icon located near UTBot namespace


Run all tests in project

How-to steps:

  1. Open search window by pressing Shift twice
  2. Search for UTBot: Run All Tests and Show Coverage

Manage coverage

Consider the following scenario: you ran tests A with coverage, and then you run some other tests B with coverage. Then a dialog with three options will be opened:


It is because there is already coverage displayed from tests A, and you can choose:

  • to merge coverage from A with B (Add to active suites)
  • to replace coverage from A with coverage from B (Replace active suites)
  • to show coverge only from A (Do not apply collected coverage)

Plugin settings

You can view and edit available settings in Settings -> Tools -> UTBot Settings
