UnitTestBot Java/Kotlin
UnitTestBot C/C++

Explore test suites

View clustered tests

Even before running tests you have them clustered into suites. Analyze them to see failing tests, explicitly thrown exceptions, and successful executions.

These clusters are marked as Regions in test source code. To view all the suites at once and navigate between them, press Alt+7 to open Structure tool window.

The typical suites are:

  • Fuzzer
  • Symbolic execution engine,

each divided into:

  • Successful executions
  • Explicitly thrown unchecked exceptions
  • Error suite

Find the example below:

Screenshot of UnitTestBot output structure, showing test suites

Dive into these suites to find test methods with detailed descriptions.

Read test descriptions


Each test contains:

Javadoc comment

Briefly describes test execution path.

  • See Javadoc comment style for configuring the Plain text or Structured via custom Javadoc tags view.
  • Render Javadoc comments to get more clear and structured view.
  • Jump to the method-under-test right from the comment.

Testing framework annotations

Provide a super short test method description inside:

  • For JUnit 5: @DisplayName("\<short description>")

  • For TestNG: @Test(description = "\<short description>")
    (For JUnit 4 there are no descriptions right in the annotations.)

    Disabled (or sandboxed) tests

    Sometimes the tests with the @Disabled annotation and a stack trace appear in the output:

    @Disabled("Disabled due to sandbox")

    Keep calm: it is a feature, not a bug. These tests were sandboxed, i.e. interrupted, because they tried to execute potentially unsafe code.

    The most common forbidden actions are:

    • working with files (read, write, create, delete),

    • connecting to sockets,

    • invoking System.exit(),

    • accessing system properties or JVM properties,

    • using reflection.

      You can add permissions in ~\.utbot\sandbox.policy. Create this file manually.

      You can refer to the Full list of permissions.

      If you are sure you want the code to be executed as is (including the unsafe operations!) you can turn sandboxing off: add AllPermission to ~\.utbot\sandbox.policy. Be careful!

      If you remove the @Disabled annotation and run the test, it will be run without creating a sandbox.

Test method name

Usually looks like testMethodUnderTestName. Sometimes it is accompanied by explanatory supplements: e.g., ByFuzzer, ReturnsOneWithCornerCase, or others.

Test method body

You can jump to the method-under-test from here too.

Run tests and view coverage

There are multiple ways to run tests and view coverage in IntelliJ IDEA. All of them apply to UnitTestBot results — feel free to choose any.

If you are not satisfied with coverage, try to [Experiment with test generation](Fine-tune test generation.md#Experiment with test generation to reach higher coverage).

Get SARIF reports

What is SARIF?

It is the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format — a standard, JSON-based format for the output of static analysis tools.

Every static analysis tool has its own output format, and these formats usually have little in common. SARIF provides a universal output format, which makes it possible to create common tooling, such as viewers, bug filers, metrics calculators, etc.

For more information please refer to SARIF Tutorials.

How to get SARIF report in UnitTestBot

By default, UnitTestBot creates SARIF reports for each test generation.

Note: if you enable Parameterized tests in the Generate Tests with UnitTestBot window, SARIF report is unavailable for now.

You can find SARIF reports in the resources directory near Test sources root.