Unit testing automated. Yes, completely automated.

UnitTestBot now supports .NET infrastructure via V# — our custom symbolic execution engine. It automatically generates tests for .NET assemblies — the real test cases with method bodies and inputs.

Sharp as Occam's razor.

UnitTestBot .NET executes all the program instructions with the symbolic values, scanning each and every path. It explores a program's computation tree with as much coverage as possible — you can monitor it right in your IDE. But it never goes the same way: due to minimization procedures, it does not multiply the tests beyond necessity.

Array utils example

Unit testing guaranteed by math.

Symbolic execution technique in UnitTestBot .NET reduces the rate of false positives among bugs to a bare minimum. And it is not the question of luck: we develop algorithms to cope with path explosion, recursion, and false positives too.

Autosave service example

Keeping pace with .NET platform.

UnitTestBot .NET generates NUnit tests in C#. It helps to keep the test suite exhaustive and up to date even when you develop a high-load, complex, cross-platform app — just the kind of .NET projects. UnitTestBot .NET plugin is available for JetBrains Rider* providing you with support for .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET 5, and .NET 6.

Example with target .NET 6

Generate tests for any program you write.

UnitTestBot .NET applies to code that uses LINQ syntax — so popular among C# developers. What about code containing complex generics? They say, it's impossible to use symbolic execution in such cases, but UnitTestBot .NET deals with it. What if you need mocking? UnitTestBot .NET has the custom mocking framework. And more features are coming.

Mocks example

* To launch UnitTestBot .NET, you need .NET 7 SDK installed.